Biochemical Test of Lactobacillus spp.

Basic CharacteristicsProperties of Lactobacillus spp.)
CapsuleNegative (-ve)
CatalaseNegative (-ve)
CitrateNegative (-ve)
FlagellaIf present, peritrichous
GasNegative (-ve)
Gelatin HydrolysisNegative (-ve)
Gram StainingGram positive
H2SNegative (-ve)
IndoleNegative (-ve)
MotilityMostly Negative (-ve)
MR (Methyl Red)Negative (-ve)
Nitrate ReductionNegative (-ve)
OxidaseNegative (-ve)
PigmentRare; if present, yellow or orange to rust or brick red.
Shapelong and slender, sometimes bent rods to short, often coryneform coccobacilli
SporeNegative (-ve)
UreaseNegative (-ve)
VP (Voges Proskauer)Negative (-ve)
Fermentation (For L. acidophilus)
AmygdalinPositive (+ve)
ArabinosePositive (+ve)
CellobiosePositive (+ve)
FructosePositive (+ve)
GalactosePositive (+ve)
GlucosePositive (+ve)
LactosePositive (+ve)
MaltosePositive (+ve)
MannitolNegative (-ve)
MannosePositive (+ve)
RhamnosePositive (+ve)
RiboseNegative (-ve)
SalicinPositive (+ve)
StarchPositive (+ve)
SucrosePositive (+ve)
Enzymatic Reactions
Casein HydrolysisNegative (-ve)
Esculin HydrolysisPositive (+ve)