Biochemical Test of Bifidobacterium bifidum

By Prof Mariam Mirambo Basic Characteristics Properties (Bifidobacterium bifidum) 2% Bile Salt Positive (+ve) Capsule Negative (-ve) Catalase Negative (-ve) Flagella Negative (-ve) Gas Negative (-ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve) Gram Staining Gram-Positive (+ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Negative (-ve) Nitrate Reduction Negative (-ve) OF (Oxidative-Fermentative) Fermentative Oxidase Negative (-ve) Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape Pleomorphic rods … Read more Biochemical Test of Bifidobacterium bifidum

Biochemical Test of Bacteroides fragilis

By Prof Mariam Mirambo Basic Characteristics Properties (Bacteroides fragilis) Capsule Positive (+ve) Catalase Positive (+ve) Flagella Negative (-ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Weakly Positive (+ve) Gram Staining Gram-negative (-ve) Growth in Bile (20%) Positive (+ve) Hemolysis Negative (-ve) Indole Variable Motility Negative (-ve) Nitrate Reduction Negative (-ve) Oxidase Variable Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape Rod-shaped cells with rounded … Read more Biochemical Test of Bacteroides fragilis

Biochemical Test of Bacillus cereus

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Bacillus cereus) Catalase Positive (+ve) Citrate Positive (+ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve) Gram Staining Positive (+ve) Growth in KCN Positive (+ve) Hemolysis Positive (+ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Positive (+ve) MR (Methyl Red) Negative (-ve) Nitrate Reduction Variable Oxidase Negative (-ve) Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape Rods Spore Positive … Read more Biochemical Test of Bacillus cereus

Biochemical Test of Aeromonas hydrophila

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Aeromonas hydrophila) Capsule -ve Catalase +ve Citrate +ve Flagella +ve Gas +ve Gelatin Hydrolysis +ve Gram Staining Gram-negative H2S +ve Hemolysis +ve Indole +ve Maximum Growth Temperature 41°C Motility +ve Nitrate Reduction +ve OF (Oxidative-Fermentative) Fermentative Oxidase +ve Oxygen Requirement Facultative Anaerobe Shape Rod Spore -ve String Test … Read more Biochemical Test of Aeromonas hydrophila

Biochemical Test of Actinomyces israelii

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Actinomyces israelii) CAMP Negative (-ve) Capsule Non-Capsulated Catalase Negative (-ve) Flagella Negative (-ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve) Gram Staining Positive (+ve) H2S Positive (+ve) Hemolysis Negative (-ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Non-Motile MR (Methyl Red) Positive (+ve) Nitrate Reduction Positive (+ve) OF (Oxidative-Fermentative) Anaerobic Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape … Read more Biochemical Test of Actinomyces israelii

Biochemical Test of Bacillus subtilis

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Bacillus subtilis) Catalase Positive (+ve) Citrate Positive (+ve) Flagella Flagellated Gas Negative (-ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Positive (+ve) Gram Staining Gram Positive (+ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Positive (+ve) MR (Methyl Red) Negative (-ve) Nitrate Reduction Positive (+ve) Oxidase Variable Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape Rods Spore Positive (+ve) Urease … Read more Biochemical Test of Bacillus subtilis

Biochemical Test of Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis) Bromocresol purple milk Alkaline reaction Capsule Negative (-ve) Catalase Positive (+ve) Citrate Positive (+ve) Flagella Positive (+ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve) Gram Staining Gram-negative (-ve) Growth in 7% NaCl Positive (+ve) H2S Negative (-ve) Hemolysis Positive (+ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Positive (+ve) Nitrate Reduction … Read more Biochemical Test of Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis

Biochemical Test of Aeromonas caviae

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Aeromonas caviae) Catalase Positive (+ve) Citrate Positive (+ve) Flagella Variable (+/-) Gas Negative (-ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Positive (+ve) Gram Staining Gram negative Growth in KCN Positive (+ve) Growth in 0% NaCl Positive (+ve) Growth in 3% NaCl Positive (+ve) H2S Negative (-ve) Hemolysis Variable (+/-) Indole Positive (+ve) … Read more Biochemical Test of Aeromonas caviae

Biochemical Test of Clostridium botulinum

By Prof Moses Joloba Basic Characteristics Properties (Clostridium botulinum) Ammonia Production Positive (+ve) 20% Bile Negative (-ve) Capsule Negative (-ve) Catalase Negative (-ve) Flagella Peritrichous Gelatin Hydrolysis Positive (+ve) Gram Staining Gram-positive H2S Positive (+ve) Hemolysis Positive (+ve). β-hemolytic Indole Negative (-ve) Milk Digestion Mostly Positive (+ve) Meat Digestion Mostly Positive (+ve) Motility Mostly Positive (+ve) … Read more Biochemical Test of Clostridium botulinum