12 Differences Between Test E And Test C

In males, testosterone is responsible for many normal functions including growth and development of the genitals, muscles and bones. It also helps in normal sexual development (puberty) in boys. Testosterone levels in men can often decline steeply after the age of 50, leading to a condition referred to as andropause in which vigor and sexual desire are affected. Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are medications used to replace testosterone in men who have conditions caused by low testosterone levels such as erectile dysfunction.

Test E (Testosterone Enanthate)

Test Enanthate also referred to as testosterone heptanoate is one of the most popularly used anabolic steroids of all time. It is a synthetic derivative of testosterone that stimulates the body to produce testosterone on its own. It is a clear or yellowish viscous fluid supplied in a 5-milliter (mL) multi-use glass vial. It has a stronger androgenic effects and only moderate anabolic effects.

Testosterone enanthate can also be used for hormone therapy in transgender men, to treat delayed   puberty in boys and to manage inoperable metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Some of the common side effects of associated with the use of testosterone enanthate include:

  • Pain and swelling at the Injection site
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Thinning hair

Testosterone can be fatally dangerous if not used as per the required prescription or if taken for a longtime. Long-term excessive use of testosterone enanthate can increase the risk of a heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and deep vein thrombosis.

Used in medical procedures since the 1950s, testosterone enanthate is marketed under numerous brand names including Androfil, Andropository, Cerno, Delatestry , Depandro, Durathate, Everone, Sustrone , Testanon, Testanova, Testrin, Testostroval, Testoviron and Testro.

What You Need To Know About Test E

  • Testosterone Enanthate is a white or whitish crystalline, a synthetic derivative of testosterone that stimulates the body to produce testosterone on its own.
  • Test E is more popular than test C.
  • Test E are androgens with an almost similar effect as testosterone boosters.
  • Structurally, the chemical structure of Testosterone enanthate has 7-carbon ester chain.
  • Testosterone has a half life of between 10 and 11 days.
  • The recommended or standard dosage of Test E is 100 to 600 mg for 10 to 12 weeks.
  • Testosterone enanthate has a lower molecular weight when compared to testosterone Cypionate.
  • Testosterone Enanthate has higher levels of testosterone per gram when compared to testosterone Cypionate.
  • Test E if consumed more than the prescribed dosage may result in side-effects like gynecomastia, reduced fat breakdown, water retention, lesser sex drive and fat gain.
  • Test E is a universal product.
  • The most common side effect of test E is irritation at the site of injection.

Test C

Testosterone Cypionate is a generic pharmaceutical form of testosterone often used for treating males with low testosterone. It is a white or creamy-white crystalline powder, order less or nearly so and stable in air.

When it comes to restoring testosterone levels to a healthy range, testosterone Cypionate is a highly beneficial form of hormone replacement therapy and well-tolerated by most patients. Just like any drug, testosterone Cypionate has benefits and possible side effects that you need to be aware of before making a decision of using it.

More importantly, Testosterone Cypionate can be a dangerous drug to use, just like any other drug. Testosterone Cypionate is a schedule-III controlled substance in the United States, meaning U.S citizens cannot legally use the drug in treating low testosterone without a prescription and guidance of a qualified practicing medical doctor.

The advantage of using testosterone Cypionate is that it is able to be dispersed slowly over a long duration and is very bioavailable. The disadvantage is that it can leave muscles that are injected somewhat stiff and sore.

When administered correctly as per the required prescription, testosterone Cypionate is effectively able to increase libido, promote better erectile function, boost vitality, enhance energy, support muscle growth and fat loss and provide cognitive benefits.

Long-term use of testosterone Cypionate may cause some physiological side effects such as increased blood pressure, testicular shrinkage and elevated cholesterol.

Test c is marketed under brand names such as:

  • Andro Cyp
  • Andronaq LA
  • Andronate
  • Dep Andro
  • Dep Test
  • Depostomead
  • Depotest
  • Depo-Testosterone

What You Need To Know About Test C

  • Testosterone Cypionate is a generic pharmaceutical form of testosterone often used for treating males with low testosterone.
  • Test C is less popular than test C.
  • Test C are androgens with an almost similar effect as testosterone boosters.
  • Structurally, the chemical structure of Testosterone enanthate has 8-carbon ester chain.
  •  Testosterone cypionate has a half-life of 12 days.
  • The recommended or standard dosage of test C is 400 to 500 mg per week for 12 weeks.
  • Testosterone Cypionate has a higher molecular weight when compared to testosterone Enanthate. 
  • Testosterone Cypionate has low levels of testosterone per gram when compared to testosterone enanthate.
  • Uncontrolled dosage of test C may result in increased blood pressure.
  • Test C usage is limited in the United States of America.
  • One of the common side effects of test C is bloating.

Difference Between Test E  And  Test C In Tabular Form

DescriptionTestosterone Enanthate is a white or whitish crystalline, a synthetic derivative of testosterone that stimulates the body to produce testosterone on its own.Testosterone Cypionate is a generic pharmaceutical form of testosterone often used for treating males with low testosterone.
PopularityTest E is more popular than test C.  Test C is less popular than test C.  
Chemical StructureStructurally, the chemical structure of Testosterone enanthate has 7-carbon ester chain.  Structurally, the chemical structure of Testosterone enanthate has 8-carbon ester chain.  
Levels of TestosteroneTest E has higher levels of testosterone per gram when compared to Test C.  Test C has a low levels of testosterone per gram when compared to test E.  
Half-lifeTestosterone has a half life of between 10 and 11 days.  Testosterone cypionate has a half-life of 12 days.  
Recommended DosageThe recommended or standard dosage of Test E is 100 to 600 mg for 10 to 12 weeks.  The recommended or standard dosage of test C is 400 to 500 mg per week for 12 weeks.  
Molecular WeightTestosterone enanthate has a lower molecular weight when compared to testosterone Cypionate.  Testosterone Cypionate has a higher molecular weight when compared to testosterone Enanthate.   
Long-term Side EffectsTest E if consumed more than the prescribed dosage may result in side-effects like gynecomastia, reduced fat breakdown, water retention, lesser sex drive and fat gain.  Uncontrolled dosage of test C may result in increased blood pressure.  
UsageTest E is a universal product.  Test C usage is limited in the United States of America.  
Side EffectsThe most common side effect of test E is irritation at the site of injection.  One of the common side effects of test C is bloating.