Biochemical Test of Aeromonas caviae

By Prof Moses Joloba

Basic CharacteristicsProperties (Aeromonas caviae)
CatalasePositive (+ve)
CitratePositive (+ve)
FlagellaVariable (+/-)
GasNegative (-ve)
Gelatin HydrolysisPositive (+ve)
Gram StainingGram negative
Growth in KCNPositive (+ve)
Growth in 0% NaClPositive (+ve)
Growth in 3% NaClPositive (+ve)
H2SNegative (-ve)
HemolysisVariable (+/-)
IndolePositive (+ve)
MotilityVariable (+/-)
Nitrate ReductionPositive (+ve)
OxidasePositive (+ve)
SporeNegative (-ve)
String TestNegative (-ve)
UreaseNegative (-ve)
VP (Voges Proskauer)Negative (-ve)
Fermentation Of
AdonitolNegative (-ve)
ArabinosePositive (+ve)
ArabitolNegative (-ve)
CellobioseVariable (+/-)
DNasePositive (+ve)
DulcitolNegative (-ve)
ErythritolNegative (-ve)
Glucose (gas)Negative (-ve)
GlycerolVariable (+/-)
InositolNegative (-ve)
LactoseVariable (+/-)
MalonateNegative (-ve)
MaltosePositive (+ve)
MannitolPositive (+ve)
MannoseVariable (+/-)
MelibioseNegative (-ve)
MucateNegative (-ve)
Phenylpyruvic acid productionPositive (+ve)
RaffinoseNegative (-ve)
RhamnoseNegative (-ve)
SalicinPositive (+ve)
SorbitolNegative (-ve)
SucrosePositive (+ve)
TrehalosePositive (+ve)
XyloseNegative (-ve)
Enzymatic Reactions
Acetate UtilizationPositive (+ve)
ArbutinPositive (+ve)
Arginine DehydrolasePositive (+ve)
Esculin HydrolysisPositive (+ve)
ElastaseNegative (-ve)
LipaseVariable (+/-)
LysineNegative (-ve)
ONPG (β-galactosidase)Positive (+ve)
Ornithine DecarboxylaseNegative (-ve)